Vacanti | Shattuck | Finocchiaro Attorneys

Important Considerations In Custody Modification Cases

Posted By: William Finocchiaro

With this being the second full week of January, many people are still holding true to their New Year’s resolutions. Some may still be eating right (and staying away from sugar), others are still holding to their commitments at the gym, and others are actively looking for that new job.

For parents who do not get to see their children as often as they like, seeking a modification to their custody (or parenting time) decree is still an unfinished resolution that may not be seen to fruition. But with some effort and some assistance from an experienced family law attorney, changes can be made. This post will highlight some of the factors that courts consider in modification motions.

What is the relationship between the child and moving parent – The court will want to know if a change in the current custody or parenting time arrangement will be “in the best interests of the child.” Essentially, will the child benefit from spending more time with the parent seeking such time.

What are the extent of changes to be made – A family court judge will also consider the nature of the changes sought (e.g. an increase in parenting time, changes to exchange times and locations).

Will the other parent cooperate? – Another important factor is whether a parent will cooperate in fostering the child’s relationship with the other parent. After all, even though parents may not live under the same roof, it is critical for a child to have a relationship with both parents.

To learn more about custody modifications, contact an experienced family law attorney.

Source:, “What kids want for New Year’s,” Beverly Willett, January 7, 2014

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Attorneys at Vacanti | Shattuck | Finocchiaro Attorneys are standing by to help and answer any questions you may have about getting a divorce in Nebraska and other family law matters.

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