Vacanti | Shattuck | Finocchiaro Attorneys

Charlie Sheen To Pay Less In Child Support

Posted By: Kelly Shattuck

In divorces and child custody cases, the issue of child support can be an emotionally charged and contentious issue. On the one hand, a child is expensive to raise. (One study estimated that the cost of raising a child to age 18 to be more than $300,000.) On the other hand, there are some custodial parents who treat support payments like extra income that is not usually spent on the child. This infuriates people who are required to pay support.

Nevertheless, it is public policy in the state of Nebraska that both parents are responsible for the financial support of a child until he or she reaches the age of majority. Court ordered support obligations, like other orders issued by the court, can be modified. If a child changes residences, or a parent’s income changes, the support amount can change as well.

Such was the case with Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller. Sheen was previously ordered to pay Mueller $55,000 in child support for the benefit of their twin boys. The children resided primarily with Mueller, but in May she was subject to an involuntary psychiatric hold. The kids were removed from her home and placed with Sheen’s other ex-wife, Denise Richards.

With that, Sheen sought to have his support payments temorarily reduced (since Mueller did not have the children and did not incur the expenses related to raising children.) The parties agreed that Sheen would pay $25,000 per month. According to a number of media reports, Sheen didn’t want to make matters worse by suspending support altogether, even though a court may have done so.

Source:, “Charlie Sheen’s child support payments to Brooke Mueller cut in half“, September 17, 2013

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