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November 21, 2013
The phrase “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” is more than just a song lyric these days. The holiday season is in full swing (even though Thanksgiving has not come yet) if you have visited a shopping mall lately. Indeed, while holiday shopping isn’t measured until Black Friday, most retailers know that getting consumers into stores early is a recipe for success. For parents going through a divorce or having custody issues, this mentality should serve them well. Essentially, planning early for the holidays should be their focus for a successful season. After all, by getting ideas and preferences out… Read More
November 11, 2013
When custody and parenting time are contested between divorcing parents, the lengths to which parents may go to gain an advantage (or justify their version of how the judge should rule) may be surprising. The story of a father being accused of being an unfit parent fits into this category. According to a recent report, a father is being branded as an unfit parent for refusing to bow to the demands of his son. He reportedly offered his five-year-old son a choice for dinner…anywhere but McDonalds, or no dinner at all. The boy chose not to have dinner with his father.… Read More
November 5, 2013
Recommendations during divorce are just like recommendations for fine restaurants. Everyone is going to give advice based on their own individual experiences. Because of this, if you are going through a divorce, you may get unsolicited advice. Don’t be surprised if someone tells you what you are entitled to (and how they may be completely wrong). When confronted with differing accounts about what you should ask for in the divorce, it is natural to become confused and ambivalent about the entire process. After all, no one looks forward to the emotional battles and turmoil that can come with divorce. With… Read More
October 14, 2013
The leaves turning colors and cooler temperatures should do more than signify that fall is here. It should also tell you that the holidays are just around the corner. For divorced parents (and those who are separated) the holiday season is arguably the most difficult time of the year. Not only is it difficult to manage expectations for family members, shepherding kids through an awkward period can be tricky as well. To avoid emotional blowups and disappointments, parents should do their best to plan…and plan early. This post will provide a few tips to help parents along. Get the lay of the… Read More
October 2, 2013
If you have been in a mall lately, you can tell that Halloween is just around the corner. For divorced and separated parents, this is a reminder that the holiday season is coming quickly. With that, there will be costs for costumes for school plays, travel expenses for family gatherings, and of course…Christmas presents. For those who rely on court-ordered child support (as well as those pay such support) the holidays can be trying times. After all, raising a child is quite expensive, and the holidays contribute to the $217,000 to $500,000 most parents will spend in raising a child to age… Read More
September 25, 2013
In divorces and child custody cases, the issue of child support can be an emotionally charged and contentious issue. On the one hand, a child is expensive to raise. (One study estimated that the cost of raising a child to age 18 to be more than $300,000.) On the other hand, there are some custodial parents who treat support payments like extra income that is not usually spent on the child. This infuriates people who are required to pay support. Nevertheless, it is public policy in the state of Nebraska that both parents are responsible for the financial support of… Read More