Vacanti | Shattuck | Finocchiaro Attorneys

Are You Alone In Holding A Secret? Chances Are That You Aren’t

Posted By: William Finocchiaro

The holiday season is for making positive, lifelong memories and enjoying the special magic that comes with the season. Perhaps it is the music that floods shopping malls or the lights and displays that are set in public places. It may also be the joy and surprise that children experience. Whatever it is, people in troubled relationships are reluctant to start divorces during this time of the year and sabotage the positive feelings that come with the holidays.

However, despite the wonderful feelings that people may have around them, people who are contemplating divorce may be trapped in their own personal prison of despair. As described in a recent article, holding in feelings of contempt, guilty and uncertainty can lead to physical ailments in addition to emotional trauma.

The article also begged the question: is the potential disappointment of announcing a divorce worth the despair of holding in a secret? The answer, of course, is: it depends on your individual situation. But regardless of how you feel, as a potential divorcee you should feel secure in knowing that you are not alone. Countless other people are dealing with the same situation.

So as you prepare to for that loathsome gathering with the in-laws, or another public appearance with your spouse, keep in mind that the holidays go away as quickly as they come, and January presents a reality that is unfettered by the lights, music and festivity that comes with the holidays. At that time, you can change your reality without the specter of so much disappointment.

Source:, ”That special time of year: Holidays mean waiting to divorce,” Morghan Leia Richardson, November 19, 2013

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Attorneys at Vacanti | Shattuck | Finocchiaro Attorneys are standing by to help and answer any questions you may have about getting a divorce in Nebraska and other family law matters.

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